Semester 1, 2021
Repeatability and Machine Learning of Image Features Extracted from FET PET
Quantifying Isocentre Accuracy of an Elekta Unity MR-linac Through Full Gantry Rotation
An Independent sets of Image Quality tests for Cone-Beam CT
Semester 2, 2020
Use of FET PET Uptake Dynamics for Spatial Characterisation of Glioblastoma
Projection domain intensity correction: A convolutional neural network approach for correcting cone-beam CT head & neck scans
An investigation of added tin filtration for non-contrast chest CT studies for infants
The impact of high modulation on delivery accuracy for IMRT and VMAT radiotherapy treatments
Automatic Segmentation of Metastatic Prostate Lesions in PET/CT Images Using CNN
Semester 1, 2020
Towards optimal SABR margins in prostate radiation therapy
Semester 2, 2019
Identification of short and long lived radioisotope contamination in the stages of [18F] FDG production using gamma spectroscopy.
Comprehensive Investigation into the Stability of Varian and Elekta kV and MV Imaging Systems during Arc Delivery.
Dosimetric Comparison of Proton Therapy and Cyberknife in Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy Treatment for Liver Cancers.
Computational Modelling of Radiotherapy and Blockade Immunotherapy: Towards Synergistic Therapy.
Clinical implementation of 3D printed Brachytherapy surface-applicators for high dose rate Brachytherapy in Radiation Oncology.
Deep learning in the derivation of predictive outcomes models for radiotherapy toxicity,
Semester 1, 2019
Independent Ray-Tracing dose calculation for CyberKnife radiotherapy plans with fixed and iris collimators: A 3D voxel-based dose calculation check software on the MATLAB platform
To provide a 3-D independent dosimetric verification of the accuracy of the CyberKnife Xsight lung tracking system compared to the fiducial-based target tracking system under realistic treatment conditions
Quantitative imaging of gamma-ray emitting radionuclides on a preclinical positron emission tomography (PET) scanner
Semester 2, 2018
MultiLeaf Collimator Positioning for Small Fields
Evaluation of a mobile C-arm cone-beam CT in interstitial HDR brachytherapy treatment planning
Semester 1, 2018
Evaluation of the Clinical Impact of the Linac MLC and Gantry Sag in VMAT
Commissioning and Dose Delivery in Small Animal Radiotherapy
Real-Time 3D Fiducial Marker Tracking for Use in Arc Radiotherapy
Varian Log Files for Treatment Verification

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