Unveiling Success: Marsha Chin's Remarkable Journey as a UWA Graduate
In this page, we are going to introduce Marsha Chin, a UWA Medical Physics masters graduate. Marsha started her Masters in 2021 and...
Unveiling Success: Marsha Chin's Remarkable Journey as a UWA Graduate
Sini Abraham: Committed to applying her skills and knowledge in the clinic
Seonaid Rodgers, A UWA Medical Physics Graduate with Experience and Determination
Daliya Ignatius: A UWA Masters Graduate’s Success Story
Congratulations to our alumni Tom Milan and Luke Slama
James Hunt, a successful UWA Medical Physics graduate with a clear vision
Mr. Dane Lynch, An Amazing MSc Graduate with Brilliant Achievements
Dr Emily Her; Combining radiology and radiotherapy to help cure prostate cancer
Brendon Wright: An Intelligent and Successful Medical Physics Graduate